What Bedrock charges do startup credits cover?


Amazon Bedrock is on the list of applicable products my startup credits cover. Nevertheless, I've just been charged for the service. The charge is under AWS Marketplace for Meta Llama 2 Chat 70B (Amazon Bedrock Edition) sold by Meta Platforms, Inc. It is not clear from the Bedrock pricing page if the Llama models are charged under Bedrock, which one would assume, or the AWS Marketplace.

1 Answer

Hi Stefan,

Sorry for the confusion you're experiencing! Please take a look at this document: (https://aws.amazon.com/awscredits/). Under heading 1, sentence 3, you will see a list of what is covered, and what is not by promotional credits. AWS Marketplace items are not covered. However, if you need additional assistance you can open a case via our Support team: go.aws/support-center.

-Dino C.

answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Yes. But, in the console under Billing and Cost Management > Credits, Amazon Bedrock is in the "See list of complete services" under the "Applicable products" column. So, I am getting back to the question in the title. What do the startup credits cover under Amazon Bedrock, if not the model cost?

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