AWS services down for 15 minutes?


AWS has been down for about 15 minutes, and I checked the health status indicators and they all said everything was fine as far as I could see. The status page i found was here:

The web console loaded but extremely slow, and it often couldnt fetch data. I tried to open a support ticket, but it was also broken.

As I had no idea what was happening, I'm frantically trying to figure it out. Is this going to last 5 minutes, 5 hours, 5 days?

Is there any way to see outages like this, and the status on them?

asked a month ago172 views
2 Answers

Hi Caleb,

Sorry to hear you are running into these issue. I did some checking and nothing is being reported from our from our side. The link you posted is the best place to find our Service status and get updates when applicable. I would suggest checking out his article, just to eliminate some common issues: Service Status.

— Brian D.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago


I appreciate the response. The outage happened to multiple people at minimum, because there's a reddit thread here: People reporting that they had outages in N Virginia.

It seems that AWS was unaware that anything happened, because there's no record of it. I estimated I was down for 15-20 minutes from when I noticed, but others estimated 30 minutes.

I could not access any websites from any network, the web console was barely functional as it took a minute to load, but then wouldn't even load the instances.

It appeared the networks were jammed, because all servers were still running fine when everything returned.


UPDATE: Reading further into that thread, I see someone says "major backbone provider for the CA/AZ area had a brief outage that isolated those users in CA/AZ". This seems crazy given all other websites were functional, but perhaps possible. I am unable to locate any information on this claim.

answered a month ago

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