Want to move my SES from sandbox to production, but fail


I want to move my AWS SES account from Sandbox to Production, so I made the following request: aws sesv2 put-account-details \ --production-access-enabled \ --mail-type TRANSACTIONAL \ --website-url https://{some_my_real_website_url} \ --use-case-description "Send information email" \ --additional-contact-email-addresses {some_my_real_email_address} \ --contact-language EN

I received the following message: "An error occurred (ConflictException) when calling the PutAccountDetails operation: None"

So, I looked it up and found that it has the same content as 'If there is already an ongoing account details update under review.'. Then, where can I check what is already in progress and how do I resolve it?

1 Answer


Once the application has been submitted, you will be able to confirm it from the AWS Support screen.

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answered a year ago

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