Attaching the Volume to an instance problem regarding some devices.


Whenever I try to attach a volume to an instance it shows me an error in device /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc. "Invalid value '/dev/sdb' for unixDevice. Attachment point /dev/sdb is already in use". However, I deleted every instance and detached every volume whenever it was not required. Can you help to free up my sdb and sdc ??

asked 2 months ago134 views
2 Answers

While it can vary by instance type, in general /dev/sdb thru /dev/sde are for instance store volumes only - see the Linux section of

To attach EBS volumes, start at /dev/sdf

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago


When you try to attach a volume through AWS console, after choosing the instance , you will see a drop down populated with list of device names available in that instance.

Enter image description here

It's not necessary that you should start from "sdf". But it's recommended.

"Device already in use" of "Invalid device name" usually occurs when that device name is being marked as used by the VM (OS). You can also verify the device name availability from OS using lsblk command (Linux instances), or the Disk Management utility or the diskpart command (Windows instances).

answered 2 months ago

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