Mount FsX for PCs


I have five PCs and I want to use FsX. What should I do to mount FsX without a vpn? Should the IP be fixed or are there solutions to use not fixed IP for PCs?

asked 10 months ago330 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

FsX is accessed through an elastic network interface (ENI) that resides in the virtual private cloud (VPC) that's associated with your file system. You can connect using either Site-to-Site VPN or Client VPN to access it across the internet from your PCs.

If you do not want to use VPN, you can setup Amazon FSx File Gateway in your on-premise network. Refer to How Amazon FSx File Gateway works to get started. Depending on your use case, Amazon S3 File Gateway may a better option.

answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago
  • If I use five devices in different places, will there be five file gateways or not? Does it require a fixed IP for the device?

    If they are in one place, it will only be one file gateway?

  • I have updated my post. File Gateways are either EC2 instances, VM images or hardware appliances. You only need one in your on-premise network.

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