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I understand you're having trouble accessing your EC2 instance's website using its public IP address. This is a common issue that can have several causes. Let's go through some troubleshooting steps:
Ensure your EC2 instance is in a public subnet with an Internet Gateway attached to the VPC. This allows internet traffic to reach your instance.
Check that your security group is correctly configured. While you mentioned opening all ports, it's generally better to only open the specific ports you need (e.g., 80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS). Make sure these ports are open to for public access.
Verify that the Network Access Control List (NACL) for your subnet allows inbound and outbound traffic on the necessary ports.
Confirm that your web server (like Apache) is actually running on your EC2 instance. You can SSH into your instance and use a command like 'sudo systemctl status httpd' to check Apache's status.
If you're trying to access the site via HTTPS (https://), but haven't set up SSL, try accessing it via HTTP (http://) instead.
Check if your web server is configured to listen on the correct IP address. Sometimes, servers may be configured to only listen on specific IP addresses.
Ensure your instance's route table includes a route for internet-bound traffic ( pointing to the Internet Gateway.
If you're using Amazon Linux 2023, you might need to start and enable the Apache service manually: sudo systemctl start httpd sudo systemctl enable httpd
If you've gone through these steps and are still unable to access your website, you may want to check the system logs on your EC2 instance for any error messages that could provide more insight into the issue.
Remember, being able to ping the IP address only confirms network connectivity, not that your web server is properly configured and running. If you're still stuck after trying these steps, you might want to consider reaching out to AWS support for more detailed assistance.
Cannot connect to web server with public IP address. | AWS re:Post
Unable to access the EC2 instance with the Public IP | AWS re:Post
Cannot access my ec2 instance from Public DNS or Public IP | AWS re:Post
webpage not accessible via Elastic IP on EC2 | AWS re:Post
As per the provided script, there is no command included to download and install WordPress. Below is the updated user data that includes the necessary steps for WordPress installation:
# Update system
yum update -y
# Install Apache server
yum install -y httpd
systemctl start httpd
systemctl enable httpd
# Install PHP 7.4 and required extensions
amazon-linux-extras disable lamp-mariadb10.2-php7.2
amazon-linux-extras enable php7.4
yum clean metadata
yum install -y php php-{pear,cgi,common,curl,mbstring,gd,mysqlnd,gettext,bcmath,json,xml,fpm,intl,zip,imap,devel}
# Download and install WordPress
cd /var/www/html
wget https://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz
tar -xzf latest.tar.gz
mv wordpress/* .
rm -rf wordpress latest.tar.gz
chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html
chmod -R 755 /var/www/html
# Restart Apache to apply changes
systemctl restart httpd
Please review and try the updated script; it should work as expected. The remaining steps will remain the same as per the document.
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Yes, just change HTTPS to HTTP