Stale mount handle on file gateway


Hi we have two storage gateway servers on our local environment. and I've been using them for several years. the problem they tend to die after some time, and we need to create a new server. now I've restarted the storage gateways because we suspected they are acting slow (happened before causing high load on the linux servers where they are mounted) now I'm getting "stale file handle" on some shares. how to debug this?

The servers (the nfs clients) are Centos 6 and Centos 7.

Regards Yaniv

asked 2 years ago308 views
3 Answers

Hi Yaniv,

Stale file handles can occur when the file gateway is rebooted and there are clients with open files from the gateway NFS share. File handles for these open files can get invalid on the server side when one of the clients removes an open file. You can use file gateway audit logs to review the client activity. You may resolve this error by un-mounting/re-mounting the NFS share on the client, or rebooting the client. Thank you - Surya

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago


and what i'm suppose to configure in the logs ? Also, remounting will not work if there is a problem in the storage gateway. it's a black box.

answered 2 years ago

Hi, audit logs on the NFS file share would give insight into which client deleted the file when it it is being used by a different client at the same time.

To prevent running into the issue, application/client should coordinate and delete a file when it is not in use by any other client. If remounting doesn't work, rebooting the NFS client usually resolves this error and clears the stale file error reported by the client.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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