cannot access to EC2 instance


I created an EC2 instance with vpc, subnet and security group that let me access to my VM, however I cannot ping, ssh to the VM. Please help me.

below is the current status: instance summary Networking Security groups

asked 2 months ago260 views
2 Answers


Is there an internet gateway attached to your VPC?
If you have not created it, please create it by following the steps in the document below.

Also, make sure that the route table for the subnet where EC2 is running has a route to the internet gateway configured.

If the network ACL settings have not been changed from the default settings, all communication should be permitted, but if the settings have been changed even once, please check again.

I don't think it's very relevant, but I think it will be useful when you create RDS etc. in the future if you also enable the DNS settings of the VPC.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

You need to create an Internet Gateway (IGW), associate it to your VPC, and add route on the subnet of your instance to reach via the IGW.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 months ago

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