Is it safe to delete this mysterious S3 bucket?


I have an S3 bucket that I did not create manually whose name has the convention: cdk-<randomstring>-assets-<account-id>-<region>. How do I know if this is currently being used by my AWS Amplify web project hosting or not? Please help me on this matter, thank you.

asked 24 days ago158 views
4 Answers


please try this solution it will be helpful for you.

The S3 bucket named cdk-randomstring-assets-account-id-region- was likely created by the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) as part of a deployment process. To determine if it can be safely deleted, start by checking AWS CloudFormation stacks to see if the bucket is listed as a resource, as CDK often deploys resources using CloudFormation. Also review your CDK application’s deployment scripts and outputs for references to the bucket. Next inspect your AWS Amplify settings to ensure the bucket isn't used for hosting assets or environment configurations. Additionally, enable S3 server access logging or review CloudTrail logs to check for recent activity. If the bucket isn't referenced in any stacks, CDK configurations, or Amplify settings, and shows no recent activity, it should be safe to delete.

if you follow the AWS Document you will get more information.

answered 24 days ago

** Check AWS CDK Stacks**

List CDK Stacks:

Use the AWS CLI to list your CDK stacks:

aws cloudformation list-stacks --stack-status-filter CREATE_COMPLETE

Inspect Stack Resources:

Check the resources of each stack to see if the S3 bucket is listed:

aws cloudformation describe-stack-resources --stack-name <stack-name>

CDK Assets:

The CDK uses these S3 buckets to store assets (like Lambda code, deployment artifacts, etc.). If you find references to this bucket in the output, it means it's being used by CDK deployments.

Check AWS Amplify Configuration

Verify if AWS Amplify is using this bucket:

Amplify App Backend:

Go to the AWS Amplify console and navigate to your app's backend environment. Check if there are any references to this S3 bucket under the storage or deployment configurations.

Amplify Artifacts:

Amplify often uses its own managed buckets for deployment artifacts. If your bucket naming convention doesn't match the standard Amplify bucket names, it is less likely that Amplify is directly using it.

3. CloudTrail Logging

Use AWS CloudTrail to check recent activity related to the S3 bucket:

CloudTrail Lookup:

Lookup events related to the S3 bucket:

aws cloudtrail lookup-events --lookup-attributes AttributeKey=ResourceName,AttributeValue=<bucket-name>

Analyze Events:

Review the events to see which services or IAM roles are accessing the bucket. If the access patterns match those of your Amplify app, it might be in use.

CloudFormation Outputs and Tags

CloudFormation Outputs:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <stack-name>

Resource Tags:

aws s3api get-bucket-tagging --bucket <bucket-name>

IAM Policies and Roles Check the IAM policies and roles associated with the bucket:

Bucket Policy:

**Inspect the bucket policy to see which principals have access: **

aws s3api get-bucket-policy --bucket <bucket-name>

IAM Roles:

Review IAM roles in your account to see if any reference this bucket, particularly those related to CDK or Amplify:

aws iam list-roles

answered 24 days ago


The existence of this bucket means that Cloud Dev Kit (cdk) was used in this account and that some CDK project(s) used it to store some assets (templates, definition, etc.). If you don't use CDK anymore, it is safe to delete this bucket

For more info, see



profile pictureAWS
answered 24 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 24 days ago

Hii TergelE,

Don't delete the bucket yet.

The naming convention suggests it might be linked to your Amplify project, but it's safer to confirm first.

Here's how to quickly check:

=> Look in the Amplify console for storage or asset sections. If that bucket name shows up, it's probably in use.

=>If your Amplify project uses CloudFormation, check the CloudFormation stacks for resources. If the bucket name appears, it's likely connected.

Here solution involves identifying whether the S3 bucket (cdk-<randomstring>-assets-<account-id>-<region>) is used by your Amplify project before taking any action. Here's a simplified approach:

1.Check Amplify Console: Go to the Amplify console and look for sections related to storage or assets. If the bucket name appears there, it's definitely used by your project. Leave it alone.

If neither check reveals the bucket's involvement, it's less likely to be critical. But to be extra cautious:

=> Consider contacting AWS Support for further investigation based on your account details.


Deleting the bucket could potentially break your Amplify project if it relies on stored assets there. So prioritize confirmation before taking action.

answered 24 days ago

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