Steps to work with Amazon Datazone in a running environment organized by producer-central-consumer style accounts


I´d like to understand how to put Amazon DataZone in a Data Mesh environment organized by 3 accounts (producer-central-consumer) and to add my already-defined data assets (my S3-buckets, Glue-databases and so on) into the Projects.

asked 2 years ago663 views
1 Answer

For this scenario, let's have an Amazon DataZone domain, i.e., Marketing. For this domain, we have the following three different AWS accounts.

  • Account 1 - 111111111111 (Producer account where data sits and can be harvested into the catalog. Note: Make sure there are some existing AWS Glue data tables and Redshift cluster data tables for which you will need to catalog data. )
  • Account2: 222222222222. (Central account for governance)
  • Account3: 333333333333. (Consumer account where subscribed data can be consumed i.e., build an analysis)

You can follow the steps as mentioned below:

Central account for governance

Step 1. Create an Amazon DataZone domain (named Marketing) in the central account i.e.; 222222222222. [In Amazon DataZone Console Portal]

Producer account where data sits and can be harvested into the catalog

Step 2. Associating the producer account i.e.; 111111111111 with the domain [In Amazon DataZone Console Portal]

Step 3. Create Project Profile using the associated producer account [In Amazon DataZone Data Portal]

Step 4. Create Project using the producer account project profile [In Amazon DataZone Data Portal]

Step 5. Create Data Source for your data assets in the producer account [In Amazon DataZone Console Portal]

Step 6. Publish a data asset to the catalog through a project [In Amazon DataZone Data Portal]

Consumer account where subscribed data can be consumed i.e., build an analysis

Step 7. Associating the consumer account i.e.; 333333333333 with the domain [In Amazon DataZone Console Portal]

Step 8. Create Project Profile using the associated consumer account [In Amazon DataZone Data Portal]

Step 9. Create Project using the producer account project profile [In Amazon DataZone Data Portal]

Step 10. Discovering, subscribing to, and consuming data [In Amazon DataZone Data Portal]

answered 2 years ago

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