Network Load Balancer and Fargate blocks specific static IP addresses after few days


I have a problem with Network Load Balancer and Fargate. Every time I deploy application to Fargate, it works perfectly for a few days. After a few days, it works, but specific static IP addresses are automatically blocked for sending requests to the Fargate application. More than a few million requests per day and sometimes more than 100 requests per second are sent from specific static IP addresses. I added these specific static IP addresses and specific port in Security Group Inbound rules for Fargate. I am using Network Load Balancer that supports both UDP and TCP protocol, and it is connected to the Fargate application. I also added a whole range of IP addresses from our default VPC in Security Group Inbound rules for Fargate for all TCP traffic to allow Health Checks for Network Load Balancer. It think there are some security features that block automatically specific static IP addresses after a few days. I want to allow these specific static IP addresses to send how many requests they want to Fargate application without any block. How can I disable these security features that automatically block certain IP addresses after a few days ?

1 Answer

I can't think of any particular reason this would be happening so please raise a support request - we have no visibility here on re:Post as to your account structure and what traffic is flowing but the support team does. They can help here.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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