throttling and quota information for Chime Messaging


We recently received some throttling errors, likely related to our use of Chime Messaging for chat within our application. However, I can't seem to find which specific metric's quota was exceeded, nor any existing monitors/metrics for our usage of AWS Chime Messaging (as opposed to Chime Meetings, video calls, etc.).

The throttling errors did occur during an event when many people were online and likely using our chat feature, and spanned about an hour. The errors were reported for many different users as well.


  1. Is there a console or something where we can see our Chime Messaging usage, or a report of errors (like these throttling events)? Also, is there a way to tell which specific quota we exceeeded?
  2. The AWS CLI service-quotas command requires a service-code param. Does anyone know which value corresponds to Chime Messaging? There's just chime, but that only seems to include Chime Meetings related things (and not Messaging). Is the Service Quotas Console a better way to check values and request increases?


1 Answer


Answering your questions to the best of my ability & knowledge:


Is there a console or something where we can see our Chime Messaging usage, or a report of errors (like these throttling events)? Also, is there a way to tell which specific quota we exceeded?

--> I believe the only quotas that is visible to the customers are the below links, -> -- Chime -> -- Chime SDK

The AWS CLI service-quotas command requires a service-code param. Does anyone know which value corresponds to Chime Messaging? There's just chime, but that only seems to include Chime Meetings related things (and not Messaging). Is the Service Quotas Console a better way to check values and request increases?

-> Yes, Service Quotas Console is the best way to check and increase the values, since using that link you will be directly working with the AWS Support team that have visibility into the quotas per account/per region.

Hope this helps !!

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks for the response!

    For the visible quotas, it looks like that first link you sent (chime.html) only includes those relevant to Chime Meetings (i.e. not Messaging). The second link (chime-sdk.html) does have a section for messaging, and there are several, though maybe 2 or 3 as likely candidates which we could be hitting.

    Ideally, we'd have a way to see some metrics that could show us our usage, so we could possibly see which quota we were exceeding. Or, if the error response we're getting specifies it somewhere (that I'm just missing).

    Also, sounds good about using the quota console!

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