Support (Developer) bill


I stopped using AWS in March but received a USD 2.47 bill for April Support (Developer). What is this?

asked 21 days ago140 views
2 Answers

Here are a few steps to confirm and resolve the issue:

Check Your Support Plan Status: Log in to your AWS Management Console, navigate to the AWS Support Center, and check if the Developer Support plan is still active.

Review Billing History: Go to the AWS Billing and Cost Management console and review your billing history for April. This will help you see detailed charges and confirm that the $2.47 is for the Developer Support plan.

**Cancel the Support Plan: **If the Developer Support plan is still active and you no longer need it, you can cancel it to avoid future charges. In the AWS Support Center, find the option to change your support plan and switch to the free Basic Support plan.

Contact AWS Support: If you believe the charge is incorrect or if you need assistance with canceling the support plan, contact AWS Support directly. They can help clarify the charges and assist with any necessary adjustments.

AWS Support Center:

answered 21 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 21 days ago
  • AWS Support Center doesn't seem to have any link to AWS personnel. How can I obtain an official answer from AWS about what this USD 2.47 bill is?


You will need to login to your account to open a support case. If you are not going to use the AWS account any longer, make sure to close the account. If you leave the account open you run the risk of credentials being stolen and charges occurring.

If you cannot access your account, there are other options to contact support here.

Hope this helps!

profile pictureAWS
answered 21 days ago

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