Kinesis Firehose firewall opening for private network HEC


I am trying to use firehose and stream the CloudWatch log to private network (not AWS) HEC. In this case we need to open firewall between two component, as i know firehose is regional based which i cannot get the ip like other component (e.g. MSK i may check the broker IP and use for firewall opening). So how i may resolve this in firehose case? I check in this page

Or i just need to use the ip provided in the page? (e.g. for Canada (Central)). If yes, i may have some concern since the IP may changed. if i need to change the firewall rules again once the IP change again?

1 Answer

You will need to add matching IP rules on your firewall of the public endpoints for firehose and mange IP changes.

profile pictureAWS
answered 19 days ago

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