Can't access MySQL RDS from my machine


I tried to set up a MySQL DB on RDS, set it to public, all based on any tutorials I could find:

Connectivity & security

Any attempt to connect to the DB using MySQL workbench or any other client, results in a timeout. From what little I can tell, in my VPC's route table I can see a route to my internet gateway. Other than that, I have no idea what to look for. Everything else is pretty much on default settings.

asked a year ago277 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hello Luoruize,

One common problem for the inability to connect to an Amazon RDS DB instance could be Access rules such as Security Group of the RDS, Network ACL of the subnet. You need to add rules that allow traffic related to the source in and out of the DB instance. You can specify an IP address or a range of IP addresses.

Other possible issues: The RDS DB instance is in a state other than available, so it can't accept connections. The wrong DNS name or endpoint is used to connect to the DB instance. The Multi-AZ DB instance failed over, and the secondary DB instance uses a subnet or route table that doesn't allow inbound connections.

Going through steps in this article would be helpful:

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

So the problem was with at least one of the security groups, I had to add a rule that allows in all incoming traffic (will probably try to change that later to something more secure).

answered a year ago

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