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Wordpress no conecta con base de datos


Hi, I hope you can help me, these days I installed wordpress together with apache and other plugins, I did it by command line and the database was done in RDS in my AWS account, a MariaDb database. Everything is going well, only when I want to enter wordpress it tells me that it cannot connect to the database, I reviewed the wp-config.php document and everything is correct, database names, username, password, aws localhost, the security keys, everything looks good. I suppose it is some persimmon that is not letting me enter phpmyadmin and confirm the data. Could you guide me about it, I don't want to damage anything trying to solve the problem. Thank you

asked 2 years ago283 views
1 Answer

Is there an inbound rule in the RDS security group that allows access?
Also check the network ACLs, etc. set for the subnet.

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answered 2 years ago

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