How to debug the explicability module of a model in the registry ?


Hello, I get an error in the explicability module of the model registry (see screenshot below). How can I debug this ? I would like to access logs to investigate this error.

Screenshot of the Model Registry in Sagemaker Studio

asked 2 years ago383 views
2 Answers

Customer needs to provide the S3uri for Clarify Explainability json in CreateModelPackage ModelMetrics

   "ModelMetrics": {
        "ModelQuality": {
            "Statistics": {
                "ContentType": "application/json",
                "S3Uri": "s3://sagemaker-project-p-*********/V796221526-p-pwcowxgrrfdt/5qo6ezikmux3/modelqualitycheckstep/statistics.json"
            "Constraints": {
                "ContentType": "application/json",
                "S3Uri": "s3://sagemaker-project-p-*********//V796221526-p-pwcowxgrrfdt/5qo6ezikmux3/modelqualitycheckstep/constraints.json"
        "ModelDataQuality": {
            "Statistics": {
                "ContentType": "application/json",
                "S3Uri": "s3://sagemaker-project-p-*********//V796221526-p-pwcowxgrrfdt/5qo6ezikmux3/dataqualitycheckstep/statistics.json"
            "Constraints": {
                "ContentType": "application/json",
                "S3Uri": "s3://sagemaker-project-p-*********//V796221526-p-pwcowxgrrfdt/5qo6ezikmux3/dataqualitycheckstep/constraints.json"
        "Bias": {
            "Report": {
                "ContentType": "application/json",
                "S3Uri": "s3://sagemaker-project-p-*********//V796221526-p-pwcowxgrrfdt/5qo6ezikmux3/modelbiascheckstep/analysis.json"
            "PreTrainingReport": {
                "ContentType": "application/json",
                "S3Uri": "s3://sagemaker-project-p-*********/V796221526-p-pwcowxgrrfdt/5qo6ezikmux3/databiascheckstep/analysis.json"
            "PostTrainingReport": {
                "ContentType": "application/json",
                "S3Uri": "s3://sagemaker-project-p-*********/V796221526-p-pwcowxgrrfdt/5qo6ezikmux3/modelbiascheckstep/analysis.json"
        "Explainability": {
            "Report": {
                "ContentType": "application/json",
                "S3Uri": "s3://sagemaker-project-p-*********/V796221526-p-pwcowxgrrfdt/5qo6ezikmux3/modelexplainabilitycheckstep/analysis.json"

The Studio looks for the analysis.json(S3Uri) file in particular in the Explainability -> Report object and renders the report for the data in the analysis.json file.

answered 2 years ago
answered 2 years ago
  • Thank for your answer but this Stackoverflow discussion is not about the same subject. I know how to get the importance of my model features from a notebook but in my case it is a custom model (catboost) that I save in the model registry while running a sagemaker pipeline. I can't find in the documentation the specification needed to display the feature importance when using AWS Clarify and I can't find the associated logs.

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