No Permission to delete network interface


I was learning terraform by cloning some tutorial-based git repos (I used many) but it seems that the destroy function wasn't working fully. I have a subnet and VPC in us-east-1 which I am trying to get rid of, but I do not have permissions to delete the VPC or Subnet because there are two network interfaces attached. When I try to detach or delete the Network Interfaces, I get this error: Failed to detach the network interface. API error: "You do not have permission to access the specified resource.".

I imagine this is because they were provisioned with Terraform, but even as Root I have no control. The Terraform repos are all gone as well now, so I can't run another destroy function.

How can I force delete these? I can't leave them for much longer or I'll get charged.

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi, ENIs are still attached to a specific resource, you need to identify that first.

Try these steps:

  1. Go to Network Interfaces under EC2.
  2. Select the ENI Details tab.
  3. Review the Description to find which resource the elastic network interface is attached to.
  4. Delete the attached service.

Let me know

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answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 years ago
  • Turned out to be two RDS instances, thanks. For anyone still stuck after this: ensure that your selected region matches your VPC's region when you search for your resource, I made that mistake earlier which is why I couldn't find it.


I also got same error when I was trying to delete Security group "test_1" :------Failed to detach the network interface. API error: "You do not have permission to access the specified resource."

Once I detached from RDS end, you can delete it. No need to check on Network Interfaces.

answered 5 days ago

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