RDS: Testing the restore of the entire database to the last recoverable time possible?



I ran the DR test and I managed to restore a new RDS instance using the PITR on the (RDS) Automated backup, however when I inspected the data in the database I only found a very small subset of the data in the new DB instance. I would have thought it would replay the snapshot and apply all the WAL logs it has at its own disposal, but I might be mistaken.

What is the correct DR recovery procedure to recover the entire database to the latest possible time?

Cheers, Peter.

asked 6 months ago267 views
2 Answers
profile pictureAWS
answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago


Please note, RDS automated backup takes snapshot everyday during backup window and it uploads transaction logs (wal logs) for DB instances to Amazon S3 every five minutes.

Furthermore, to see the latest restorable time for a DB instance, use the AWS CLI describe-db-instances command and look at the value returned in the LatestRestorableTime field for the DB instance [1]. Optionally, to see the earliest restorable time for each DB instance, choose Automated backups in the Amazon RDS console.

Generally, RPO would be 5 mins using RDS automated backups because transaction logs backup is taken every 5 mins to S3.


[1] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_PIT.html : Restoring a DB instance to a specified time

Hope it helps and if it does, I would appreciate if answer can be accepted so that community can benefit for clarity when searching for similar enquiries in repost/aws guide.

Thank you!

answered 5 months ago

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