bad entry in /etc/pam.d/system-auth file


We recently installed AL2 and found a bad entry in the /etc/pam.d/system-auth file. The offending line looked as follows (contains leading dash):

-session optional

Not sure how to proceed to get this fixed? It does cause the following error during certain sudo commands:

sudo: PAM (sudo) illegal module type: -session

asked 4 years ago264 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

The entry which is specified is not a bad entry, it is used
"If a line in the configuration file starts with a dash, the error isn't logged. This can be useful for modules that may not be present, for example, a module for fingerprint authentication may not be present, but if it is, it should be used."
Take a look at these:
What commands are you running which cause these errors?

answered 4 years ago

Thanks for the explanation. That makes sense now.

FWIW. the command was running in a script and looked something like the following:

sudo -u $run_as_user $actual_env_path/setup_handler_cache

answered 4 years ago

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