CodeCatalyst custom Blueprints?


Our organization creates services that other business units will use to stand-up the services they need. We've been working on using CDK and a GUI where they can customize options before deploying to their own accounts.

Three questions:

  1. CodeCatalyst looks like it will work by standardizing CI/CD and DevEnvironments. However, the built-in blueprints are not sufficient for what we're looking to do. Is there any way to create custom Blueprints and share them internally inside an organization?

  2. Is there any way to combine multiple services into a single Blueprint? For example, if I wanted to create an SPA + back-end serverless with APIs, so someone could roll out a full front/back-end stack in one go?

  3. Will there be CDK constructs to create CodeCatalyst environments/blueprints? This way, we can ask users some questions, then use those to create a custom CodeCatalyst project for them, ready to go.


asked a year ago359 views
2 Answers

Amazon CodeCatalyst does not currently support custom blueprints. When this gets implemented, it will cover the first two questions. Unfortunately, I am unable to comment on when this feature may get released, I request you to keep an eye on our What's New and Blog pages for any new feature announcements. Could you please provide more information on the use case for question #3?

answered a year ago

Hey! We support this now! Take a look at custom blueprints (now generally available in the enterprise tier)!

We also support lifecycle management, this allows you to update a project AFTER it's been created from a blueprint, for example, when a newer version of that blueprint is available - you can pick up those changes for free!

answered 9 months ago

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