AWS S3 Static Site - Am I billed for error pages (Error document) 4XX and 3XX?


I have a site that have a bunch of requests to non-existent paths/routes which leads the user to the custom or default error page for 404 not found. My question is...

Am I billed for the error pages data transfer and requests(4xx and 3xx)? If the answer is yes.

Am I billed for the default 404 page or just the custom page?

thank you.

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hello Jeff,

You do not get charged for data transfer out because the object does not exist. However, you go get charged $0.0004 per 1,000 requests. This means that you need to call GetObject request 25 million times to be charged $1 dollar.

Reference Links:

Regards, Carlos L

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • I'll guess this is when I do not use a custom error page and the response is generated by the AWS API/server itself. thank you.

  • I think you meant 2.5 million requests for 1 $, not 25 mil.

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