avoiding the IPv4 charge


When I logged into lightsail today there was a banner saying that you are going to start charging for a public IPv4 address, and that you will be able to create instances without an address to avoid the charge.

How much is the charge, and is it possible to turn off the IPv4 address on an existing instance, or do I have to create a new one?

asked a year ago744 views
2 Answers


You need to create a snapshot from an existing instance and start it IPv6-only.

You can migrate an existing dual-stack instance to an IPv6-only plan. Before you begin, we recommend that you review the IPv6-only considerations section of this page.
To migrate, create a snapshot of your dual-stack instance, then create a new instance from the snapshot. Select the IPv6-only networking plan during the create instance workflow. For detailed information about this procedure, see Create a Lightsail instance from a snapshot.
To migrate from an IPv6-only instance plan to a dual-stack plan, select the Dual-stack plan instead.

Looking at this document, it seems that the prices are different for IPv4 and IPv6 Lightsail bundles.

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answered a year ago
  • Great link to Blog about planned price changes!

  • Funny, I just created a new instance last week to migrate from Debian Bullseye to Bookworm, and did not see any options to not have IPv4.

  • The newer bundles were launched Jan 25 and likely didn't exist when you created the new instance last week.



You can find the updated prices for Lightsail instance bundles here: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/announcing-ipv6-instance-bundles-and-pricing-update-on-amazon-lightsail/

You cannot remove the IPv4 address from an existing instance, but you can create a new IPv6 instance from a snapshot of your current instance if the instance blueprint (application and OS) is supported on the IPv6 bundles.

Please refer to this link for details: https://lightsail.aws.amazon.com/ls/docs/en_us/articles/lightsail-how-to-create-instance-from-snapshot

We hope this answers your query. Please let us know if you have any further questions.


profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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