EUC1-DataTransfer-Regional-Bytes : how to diagnose the source?


As I can understand in the documentation,

Data transfer between Availability Zones in the same AWS Region have a UsageType of Region-DataTransfer-Regional-Bytes. For example, the USE2-DataTransfer-Regional-Bytes usage type identifies charges for data transfer between Availability Zones in the US East (Ohio) Region.

Since 2 days I go 4-5 $/day of EUC1-DataTransfer-Regional-Bytes that I never found so 'high' in the past. It was under 0.5 or entirely zero (- in cost explorer, litterally absent!)

How can I investigate and diagnose more?

asked 24 days ago88 views
1 Answer


EUC1-DataTransfer-Regional-Bytes identifies charges for data transfer between Availability Zones in the eu-central-1(Frankfurt) Region.

Do you have any workloads deployed to this region?

You can analyse using Cost explorer to do basic analyse which service incurs data transfer costs. Here is the article,

To do more in depth analyses, you can enable VPC flow logs and query using Amazon Athena. This article shows you how you can do it:

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answered 24 days ago

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