Snapshot of EBS volume created from snapshot


Is next snapshot of new volume incremental or full? For example:

Create a new volume from existing snapshot.
Create a snapshot from new volume.
Is this snapshot incremental or full?
It could be incremental because the volume was derived form a prior snapshot.
Or it could be full because each new volume creates a new history.

If incremental, then system keeps an incremental history of branches.
If full, each creation of a new volume from a prior history creates a new, separate history

asked 6 years ago630 views
2 Answers


In short, the first snapshot of each EBS volume is always full and the subsequent snapshots on that same volume are incremental [1]. I will illustrate this using your own example.

Your question: "Create a new volume from existing snapshot. Create a snapshot from new volume. Is this snapshot incremental or full?"
Answer: This snapshot is full.

I hope that you find this answer useful. Please feel free to contact us if you need any further assistance.



answered 6 years ago

Thanks for the quick helpful reply. steve

answered 6 years ago

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