reposync command is not downloading "primary.sqlite.gz" metadata file for Amazon Linux 2


I need to download the repository for "amzn2-core" for which i use below command reposync --download-metadata -r amzn2-core -a x86_64

This command use to download the rpms as well as metadata for "amzn2-core" which included the Metadata File "primary.sqlite.gz" till recently But now executing the same command downloads everything but the "primary.sqlite.gz" file

Is there any intermittent issue?

Machine configuration are as below

[ec2-user@ip---- ~]$ ls /etc/release /etc/os-release /etc/system-release /etc/system-release-cpe [ec2-user@ip---- ~]$ cat /etc/os-release NAME="Amazon Linux" VERSION="2" ID="amzn" ID_LIKE="centos rhel fedora" VERSION_ID="2" PRETTY_NAME="Amazon Linux 2" ANSI_COLOR="0;33" CPE_NAME="cpe:2.3:o:amazon:amazon_linux:2" HOME_URL="" SUPPORT_END="2025--" [ec2-user@ip---- ~]$ cat /etc/system-release Amazon Linux release 2 (Karoo) [ec2-user@ip---- ~]$ cat /etc/system-release-cpe cpe:2.3:o:amazon:amazon_linux:2 [ec2-user@ip---- ~]$ cat /etc/system-release-cpe cpe:2.3:o:amazon:amazon_linux:2 [ec2-user@ip---- ~]$ uname -a Linux ip----.ap-south-1.compute.internal ..-..amzn2.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Sep 6 21:15:41 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

asked a year ago265 views
1 Answer


As I understand, executing the command "reposync --download-metadata -r amzn2-core -a x86_64" on an Amazon Linux 2 instance doesn't include the primary.sqlite.gz file. Thank you for sharing the machine configuration information in the post.

I replicated a similar scenario in the test environment by launching an Amazon Linux 2 instance and then running the command "reposync --download-metadata -r amzn2-core -a x86_64". After the command execution, I checked in the amzn2-core directory, but didn't find the file "primary.sqlite.gz."

As described in the post, the command used to download the rpms as well as metadata for "amzn2-core" including the primary.sqlite.gz file. Hence, we would need to review the AMI details to perform a test against that AMI and the version of Amazon Linux 2. Since this requires sharing the resource details, please feel free to contact AWS by creating a support case (if not one created already) for further review related to the primary.sqlite.gz metadata file for Amazon Linux 2.

=> Creating support cases and case management -

answered a year ago

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