How to know how many times the file was downloaded and how many times it was downloaded successfully


Hello, I want to know how many times my file from s3 was downloaded successfully, i.e. there was no interruption in download process and client downloaded full size file

1 Answer


I'm Mike with the Storage Gateway service. Do you have a Storage Gateway virtual or physical appliance deployed to access S3? If you don't, then you'll want to retag your question with "S3" or "Simple Storage Service" to get the correct eyes on the problem.

Storage Gateway has the ability for the user to turn on auditing to get Windows style logs of users accessing data through a gateway. If you are accessing S3 directly, then I defer to an S3 expert to answer your question.

BTW, even if you have a SGW, you can still turn on whatever S3 logging/tracking you wish for an additional layer of information. SGW is completely compatible with S3 monitoring tools.


answered 2 years ago

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