Can AWS Transfer SFTP connectors be launched from inside a VPC?


I don't see any option to select a VPC/Subnet from where the SFTP Conector should be launched. All I see is that there is a public IP (that has been recently announced it can be a fix IP) from where the SFTP Connector's connections will start.

How can we restrict them to run from a VPC to access internal OnPrem SFTP servers we could only reach through a Direct Connect?


asked 7 months ago685 views
2 Answers

Hi! While currently SFTP connectors cannot be launched from inside a customer's VPC, we are working on features to make that possible in the future. Please note that servers and connectors are independent resources, and creating a VPC endpoint for server does not extend the same for connectors.

answered 5 months ago
  • Hi! Is there a guestimate to be made on when those kind of features are available on SFTP Connectors?

    Regards, Wouter


Select an Endpoint Type of VPC hosted and Access should be Internal.

Enter image description here

From here you can select AZs, and a subnet within each of these AZs that is accessible over the Direct Connect.

profile picture
answered 7 months ago
  • Thanks, Steve, for your quick response. But, notice I am not talking about the server endpoint but an SFTP connector.

    If you could confirm that the SFTP connector uses the same ENI as the server endpoint, that would answer my question. But that is not something I could infere from documentation. Do you think connectors are using the VPC internal endpoint?

    In my case, I have three internal VPC hosted SFTP servers, and when I launch SFTP Connector creation, I am not requested to reference any one of them. That is why I suscpect that sftp connector uses amazon provided endpoints.


  • Okay, got you now. And after going through the docs I agree with you that it's most likely that the SFTP connector and the server use different endpoints, though I can't see anything written anywhere that spells it out explicitly.

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