How to disable the Lex error handling for sending contents length higher than 1024 from Slack


We are integrated the AWS lex into our Slack public channel as an answer bot. But if someone talks in the channel with a context length that is higher than 1024, the AWS lex bot will return an error that is kind of annoying and not related. Is there any way to turn off the error handling or make it mute for error reporting in Slack?

Thanks for any help/support.

asked 2 years ago435 views
2 Answers

You can improve the user experience by these two steps:

(1) provide a hint message for your user: "we recommend you to upload the audio within 90 secs or 210 words limit." So that the user understands how to interact with the bot properly. The number is based on the assumption from the internet: average Speaking Speed Rate is 150 wpm and the average word in the English language is 4.7 characters. Feel free to adjust it accordingly.

(2) Overwrite the default handling: This documentation is showing you how to overwrite the default error handling by updating the fallback intent setting. So that the user can receive the relevant message.

profile pictureAWS
Mia C
answered 2 years ago

Maximum utterance length

Defines how long Amazon Lex V2 waits before speech input is truncated and the speech is returned to your application. Default this is 13 seconds. You may need to set max-length-ms to a particular number of seconds, so that user does not talks something that is not more than 1024 chars.

answered 2 years ago

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