Password is not available for custom AMI



We had an instance with the pem file lost. Now I've generated a custom AMI from it following the guide.
I've created a new instance i-0ab5bce81b25cc541 from the AMI with all configs preserved as the original instance.
Now trying to connect to the new instance it says "Please wait at least 4 minutes after launching an instance before trying to retrieve the auto-generated password.".
After reading many docs and answers, it seems that the solution is to login with the original password, but as I said the pem file was lost.
Basically I get a logical conflict situation - the guide says to generate a new instance with new pem file, but use the old password for login.


  • I also faced the same problem, and after trying its seems the old password works, although it could not be seen from the management screen of AWS.

asked 4 years ago622 views
1 Answer

Was able to resolve the problem by following the "Reset the Windows administrator password using EC2Launch" guide.
The EC2Rescue tool password reset didn't worked for first time - there was an error 'failed to prepare scripts' but after unloading and reloading the volume for second time and other retry it did work.

answered 4 years ago

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