Lightsail and IPv4 address costs


I can't believe this isn't clearer, but anyway ...

If I start a Lightsail server, I get a random IPv4 address. If I reboot it, I get a new one. I believe I now get charged $0.005 per hour for this IP address. What is the difference in price if I attach a static IPv4 address to that instance?

It used to be simple: free volatile address, pay for a static IP address. Now it's not clear to me what the situation is.


asked 5 months ago654 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi David,

You are right that a Lightsail instance starts with a default dynamic public IPv4 address, but this address can change only upon subsequent instance stop-start's (NOT reboot; please note reboot aka restart is different from a stop-start and reboot does NOT cause the dynamic public IPv4 address to change).

But, you do NOT get charged $0.005 per hour for this IPv4. Instead the Lightsail instance plan prices include the cost of the public IPv4 address when using the dual-stack plan.

If you attach a Static IP address to this instance instead, there is NO change to the price. Because the public IPv4 address just changes from the dynamic to the static one and the instance plan continues to include the cost of 1 public IPv4 address.

Static IPs that are NOT attached to an instance, incur the $0.005/hour charge after the first hour.

To avoid the public IPv4 address changing on stop-start or for application migrations between instances, most folks do use a Static IP, just like you said :)

Please refer What do Lightsail static IPs cost? in and for details.

Also, thanks for your feedback on the documentation not being clearer.


profile pictureAWS
answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
  • That's great, thanks! Much clearer than the official documentation 😊


Ahh, that's what I thought.

I've used static IP addresses since Lightsail was launched, and paid the extra. Dynamic IPv4 addresses are unusable on almost all public-facing servers so I don't understand why they didn't just make it simple: "From 1st May you can choose to have a chargeable public IPv4 static address on a new Lightsail server or a free private one.".

I'd love to move to IPv6 but it doesn't work for public websites on Lightsail (at least I couldn't get it to work 😂).

Thanks anyway,


answered 5 months ago
  • Hi David,

    The previous answer from Riku unfortunately was inaccurate. . Lightsail Static IPs when in-use did NOT have any charges associated to them before May 1st. In-Use here means, if the Static IP was attached to an instance. . Post May 1st, any Lightsail instance plan that includes a public IPv4 address (be it the default dynamic IPv4 address or a Static IP address) is priced at an increased rate as listed here There is no additional $0.005/hour charge here. . Lightsail Static IP which is not attached to an instance has always had a charge of $0.005/hour and it continues to be charged the same. This is covered in What do Lightsail static IPs cost? at . Thanks.

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