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How to asynchronously scale aurora serverless v2 replicas


I have an aurora postgresql serverless v2 cluster with 2 instances, one writer and another reader and would like them to scale independently. According to documentation, if the reader instance is in a Failover priority other than 0 or 1. They SHOULD scale independently but still no matter what I do, they always scale synchronously. I have a workload that runs twice a day and demands the higher acu count but the reader instance has very low usage, so I would like them to scale independently to save on costs. In my use case it is not a problem if there is a longer downtime for the reader instance to scale and take over in case of failure.


asked 2 years ago542 views
2 Answers

The documentation says "When they are idle, they can scale down to the minimum" - have you confirmed in CloudWatch that they really are idle? Handling replication from a busy writer will put some load on a reader but you would hope not too much. Still it's worth looking how busy it is.

answered 2 years ago

I checked and they are not busy as the writer on the heavy workloads. as an experiment I created a provisioned aurora server (with more resources than the serverless ones had), failed over to it and removed one of the serverless instances. and now the serverless instance hasn't gone past 8 acu a single time. if I get the metrics of serverless capacity of the past 24 hours we can clearly see the difference on acu allocation after the changes. And about replication, I might be wrong but my understanding is that with aurora, replication is done at the storage layer and wouldn't put any pressure on reader instances.

answered 2 years ago

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