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Amazon WorkSpaces Connection Health Check Website link is broken


Q: If I am located a significant distance from the region where my Amazon WorkSpace is located, will I have a good user experience?

A: If you are located more than 2000 miles from the regions where Amazon WorkSpaces is currently available, you can still use the service, but your experience may be less responsive. The easiest way to check performance is to use the Amazon WorkSpaces Connection Health Check Website.

I want to test VDI since its over 2000 miles.

the web link is broken.

** **


asked 3 years ago375 views
1 Answer

Hi -

I'd recommend you launch a WorkSpace in your preferred region, and test the experience. That webpage provides recommendations on an AWS Region that may work, but doesn't provide a full view onto what your user experience may be. The best way to determine that is to test it with your specific workload to see if the experience is sufficient for you/your users.

the web link is broken.

The page loads for me. Can you describe what issue you're having attempting to load the page?

answered 3 years ago

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