Is the CFN javascript module cfn-response available for use with lambdas written in node 18.x and the AWS SDK version 3


We would like to upgrade our inline nodejs lambdas to use the new sdk, but I'm not sure how/if the cfn-response.js can be used.

1 Answer


You want to know CFN javascript module ‘cfn-response’ can be used or not in node 18.x and AWS SDK version 3. -> Yes, this module can also be available in node 18.x runtime. However, Please note that the method of loading the module used in the previous runtime should be modified well to match the node js 18.x runtime to avoid runtime error. Therefore, it is recommended to check whether the module import code works well as a test before use.

You can get more help from this document.

I hope the information above helps you.

Thanks and regards,

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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