How to map call duration in call recordings of amazon connect?


We knew that after call recording got enabled in contact flow the call recordings starts working and recording of every call is pushed at S3 as well as we can play the recordings in Amazon Connect -> Contact Search.

I am trying to figure it out on which event the call recording starts and on which event the call recording stops e.g. onConnected, onACW, onEnd?

The goal is to identified the events of amazon connect streams. What i have understood is call recording starts on onConnected event & stops on onACW instead of onEnd as the duration of ACW should been a part of recordings!

asked 2 years ago700 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Thanks for reaching out to us here at re:Post. Amazon Connect only starts recording when the call is connected to the agent. In the CCP, this is marked by connected state change:

2022-05-10T02:10:39.593Z ccp TRACE Publishing event: agent::state_change
2022-05-10T02:10:39.593Z ccp TRACE Publishing event: contact::connected
2022-05-10T02:10:39.593Z ccp TRACE Publishing event: contact::connected::[CONTACT_ID]

Therefore, you should be able to use onConnected in the agent event streams

On the other hand, the recording will end when the agent is disconnected from the customer. Please note that the ACW is not recorded as part of the recording as the agent is no longer connected to the customer.

In my testing the Ended state change and ACW state change happens almost at the same time when the call is ended

2022-05-10T02:01:42.555Z ccp TRACE Publishing event: agent::acw
2022-05-10T02:01:42.555Z ccp TRACE Publishing event: contact::acw
2022-05-10T02:01:42.555Z ccp TRACE Publishing event: contact::acw::[CONTACT_ID]
2022-05-10T02:01:42.555Z ccp TRACE Publishing event: contact::ended
2022-05-10T02:01:42.555Z ccp TRACE Publishing event: contact::ended::[CONTACT_ID]

This is expected as the CCP automatically changes to ACW when a call ends so you can use either onACW or onEnded to check when the recording will end.

That said, have you had any observations where the ACW and ended events were far away from each other? Can you explain the situation and I will try to replicate on my side?

answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Thank you. After some brainstorming i got to know this and i have implemented the logic accordingly.

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