Cognito oath2 authorize redirect gives DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN


I provisioned a user pool in Cognito via a Amplify application. Everything was working and I authenticate user. Now I am getting DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN when I redirect to the authorize URL. I saw on other posts re: Cognito that it could be something with Route53 hosted zones. I checked that but I am guessing Cognito hosted zones don't appear there. Any ideas? The redirect URL to the authorize endpoint is generated by the UI tags that are out of the box from the Amplify JS library so it appears to be correct.

asked 3 years ago504 views
1 Answer

I was using AWS Amplify and I realized that the 'aws-exports' file that was generated wasn't updated correctly. Looked at the Amazon Cognito URL that it should be using and it was wrong. After correcting it that got me past the mentioned error.

answered 3 years ago

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