Can't Delete Certificate after removing all Custom Domain Name in API Gateway


Hi, I can not delete my ACM certificate because it is associated with some load balancer. I just removed all custom domain names in API Gateway, but it still shows that there are three elastic load balancers associated.

Can anyone help me?

Best, Cuong

asked 2 years ago622 views
2 Answers

If you have deleted all the Amazon API Gateway Custom Domains associated with the ACM Certificate, and it still indicates it is in-use by a load balancer from an account listed at this page, you will need to contact support to get the associations removed. You should get a pretty quick turn around from support to remove the associations, after which you should be able to delete the ACM certificate.

answered 8 months ago


As described here you can try to delete the custom domain name for API Gateway, by running the AWS command delete-domain-name, so that it may clean up ACM associations too.

Hope it helps

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answered 2 years ago

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