Tutorial verbatim fails with Missing Authentication Token


I just ran through the tutorial at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/services-apigateway-tutorial.html precisely as instructed. At the first test hitting the public URL it fails thus:

$ curl https://9999999999.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/test/DynamoDBManager \
-d '{"operation": "create", "payload": {"Item": {"id": "5678EFGH", "number": 15}}}'
{"message":"Missing Authentication Token"}

What I checked:

  • The DB is in eu-west-1
  • At the gateway, POST has Authorization=None and API Key=Not required
  • All the preceding tests worked
  • Under API Gateway -> Stages -> test -> Deployment history the deployment has Status=Active
  • The policy is as instructed and referenced by the role which is referenced by the lambda function under Configuration->Permissions
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

One reason for the error could be that you did not configure the path for the REST API as "/DynamoDBManager":

Enter image description here

I suggest verifying that, as it could be the reason for the HTTP 403 you are experiencing, as in that case it would mean the REST resource does not exist.

profile pictureAWS
answered 24 days ago
  • Thank you so much! My stupid typo.

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