Change the region/configuration/price model of a Workspace



I create a workspace in US. Now I want to change its region to Europe. How do to that?

Also can I change the memory size from 32GB to 16GB?

Also I check Workspace price and find there are two model: Monthly fee model and hourly fee model. How to know my workspace is using which model and how to switch between different price models?


asked 10 months ago238 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


I create a workspace in US. Now I want to change its region to Europe. How do to that?

As explained on the following AWS Knowledge Center article, WorkSpaces doesn’t offer an authoritative mechanism to migrate a WorkSpace with user configurations and user data between AWS accounts or Regions. When a WorkSpace is created, its managed resources are bound to its directory service and subnet.

However, it offers a way to redirect users to another existing WorkSpace in a different AWS account or Region.

Also can I change the memory size from 32GB to 16GB?

You can change its compute type to select a new bundle, take a look at the following AWS documentation page.

How to know my workspace is using which model and how to switch between different price models?

I recommend that you read the following AWS Knowledge Center article, which describes how to modify the running mode of WorkSpace.

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answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago

Thank you very much.

answered 10 months ago

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