Work Docs Drive app download error - Mac OS Silicon


I'm trying to install the Work Docs Drive app and receive this error message:

WorkDocs Drive is not supported on Apple silicon machines. To learn more, go to

The link doesn't provide any guidance specific to this issue.

Is there any solution so I can use this app on my Mac?

asked 3 years ago487 views
1 Answer

Hi there ,

I understand you are trying to install the WorkDocs drive application in a Mac OS Silicon and you are unable to download it.Please correct me if I misunderstood.

You are getting the error because Amazon WorkDocs Drive isn’t supported on Apple silicon products as yet.I would recommend you keep an eye on this [1] to look out for any updates in the future.

I would recommend you to use two methods for now.

Method 1

I would advise you to use the Amazon WorkDocs from the console for now until an update is released.

Method 2

You can use the Amazon WorkSpaces.Amazon WorkSpaces enables you to provision virtual, cloud-based Microsoft Windows or Amazon Linux desktops for your users.You can either use the virtual workspace or download it into your Mac from this link[2]. Please follow the quick setup on how to launch the workspace from the link I provided.[3].You can integrate your workspace with WorkDocs by following this Amazon Document [4] if your administrator has enabled it.

I hope this was helpful.






answered 3 years ago

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