Complete or part of text field converted to scientific notation in Quicksight


I'm trying to display a text field that's a concatenation of 2 letters and about 20 digits. The column is formatted as text.

In the screenshot, the value is visible without issue in the "COLUMN A VALUE" visual, that's a wordcloud.

In the table visual, a section of the digits is converted to scientific notation, see "COLUMN A". When trying to display a field composed only of the problematic digit section formatted as text, the scientific notation appears again, see "COLUMN B".


As a workaround I have trying splitting the value with whitespaces or dashes, however even with these separators the scientific notation persists.

This text value needs to be displayed as is, without any scientific notation.

asked 3 months ago444 views
1 Answer

Hello JBW, Thank you very much for your question. If your text field in AWS QuickSight is being converted to scientific notation, it usually happens when numbers in the text field are interpreted as numeric data. To prevent this, you can ensure that the data type for your field is set to string in the data preparation stage or during dataset creation.

  • Change Data Type to String: Make sure the field's data type is explicitly set to string in the dataset.
  • Custom Format: Use custom formatting options in QuickSight to prevent automatic conversion.

Please find further resources by accessing these links:

answered 3 months ago

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