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No alerts from spending alerts. Suddenly getting charges without using any services


I'm suddently getting charges for "EC3 and Cloud Formation". I have no EC2 instances and no cloudformation stacks.

I have not created any services for more than 4 months.

Also, i set up spending alerts , but no alerts were sent

asked a month ago32 views
2 Answers

Check all regions in the ec2 console Dashboard.

Do you mean cloudfront than cloud formation?

Check cost explorer and group by region. Here you can also see what region your resources are in.

profile picture
answered a month ago

Hi Sue,

Sorry to hear about the unexpected charges.

For security reasons, we're unable to discuss account-specific info over social media, but you can get some assistance by opening a Support case:

— Reece W.

answered a month ago
profile picture
reviewed a month ago

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