Issue about connecting project from bitbucket to backend environment in AWS amplify


Hello community! What will be the next are the steps i followed to deploy my app to AWS amplify but i was stuck at one level: My app already exists in bitbucket. In the AWS Amplify i clicked on "New app" , i selected "Host your app" in "from your existing code" section i selected "Bitbucket" and "continue" after that in "Add repository branch" section at "Recently updated repositories" level i saw the project list host in my Bitbucket including what i want to deploy to select but i'm not able to select event after push a commit. Please How to fix this kind of issue?

asked a year ago649 views
1 Answer

Based on the context above, you seem to have encountered a problem while attempting to select the project for deployment after pushing a commit. Let's guess some steps and potential solutions to resolve this issue.

  1. Check Repository Permissions: Ensure that the AWS Amplify IAM user or role you use has the necessary permissions to access the repository in Bitbucket. Double-check the access permissions associated with your Amplify environment.

  2. Verify Branch Protection Rules: If the branch you want to select has branch protection rules enabled in Bitbucket, it might be preventing Amplify from accessing it. Make sure the rules allow Amplify to read and retrieve the branch.

  3. Review Webhooks Configuration: AWS Amplify relies on webhooks to detect changes in your repository and trigger the deployment process. Check if the required webhooks are configured correctly in your Bitbucket repository settings. Incorrect webhook configurations can prevent Amplify from detecting commits and initiating deployments.

  4. Ensure Repository Visibility: Confirm that the repository you wish to connect to Amplify is not set to private. If it is, you may need to adjust the visibility settings or provide the necessary credentials to enable Amplify's access.

Also, you can go through Configure the Bitbucket Repository topic from this AWS doc and Atlassian Authentication Method

I hope this will help you to connect the project 🙏

answered a year ago

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