Introduction to FreeRTOS on an STM32 MCU - AWS Workshop


Currently i am working on STM32 IOT board which has AWS database sync where from AWS the signal has to reach at STM32 board. While doing so i have followed the specific steps mentioned in AWS workshop as below,

By doing these steps i am facing build issues. It seems like package information are not correct.

Could you please support for further ?

1 Answer

Hi Debasish. It's not clear to me what part of the workshop you mean when you say "AWS database sync" because there's no database used in the workshop. Are you able to share the specific error you're getting?

Please review the prerequisites: Take particular care to:

  1. Install precisely V2.0.0 of X-CUBE-AWS.
  2. Install the X-CUBE-AWS package at the recommended path on a Windows machine, otherwise you will likely get build errors because paths exceed the Windows 260-character limit.
  3. Ensure STM32CubeIDE is not newer than 1.8.0.
profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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