I need to deploy containers on ec2 which is a handled in ECS.


Hi, i am getting issues in creating the services and the task which are associated with the ec2 based environmen which is under the creation of cluster of ec2 , i need to know the exactness like, how these will be deployed and created with the public ip.

2 Answers

Hi, I think we need more details and some screens would also be helpful.

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answered a year ago
  • i want to have the 5 container running inside the one task and one service within the same cluster, but didn't find the right approach however i want to use the ec2 instance to deploy them with ECS. whenever i am fetching the container with one single container with nginx image as test image then it is flashing the output but once i did with multicontainer for different images then it went from pending state to stopped one with new task defination as revision. kindly advice me like how to deploy the microservices with ECS if i have multi-images in ECR. do mention the port mapping like i have used one port(host:container __:80) in one container then can't i use the same 80 of container for tthe other as i want to have the dynamic port of host and container port as 80


Without more details on your use case, the best we can do is point you to the docs. I would take a look at the getting started section of the ECS documentation which is located here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/getting-started.html

answered a year ago

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