Misleading helptext in appflow snowflake connector


While creating the snowflake connector connection appflow helptext shows that user needs to enter account name, with account name the connection doesn't work. After multiple trial and errors we identified that it should be account locator instead of account name. Attaching the screenshot for refrence. Enter image description here

asked a month ago127 views
1 Answer


The snowflake connection requires use of the account region locator ID, not the orgname-accountname https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/admin-account-identifier#format-2-legacy-account-locator-in-a-region When viewing snowflake accounts, there should be a "Locator" ID which includes no _ or -, like abc12345.

If you need more insights tailored to your Appflow resources/documentation updation requests, I request you to please reach out to AWS Premium Support team via a support case using the following link : https://console.aws.amazon.com/support/home#/case/create

Hope the above information and documentation helps!

Have a great day!

answered a month ago

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