Pinpoint 10DLC Campaign Keeps Getting Rejected


We've submitted our opt in process 5 times now, and it keeps getting rejected with the unhelpful "Opt-in express consent not compliant". There really needs to be a way to receive feedback on the actual piece missing, or this will go on forever. We're working off of this document to design our opt-in:

Here is the opt-in process we provided:

Our users opt-in to SMS messaging within our app. There is a checkmark with the following text:

"By checking this box, you consent to receive SMS messages from <company> for medication schedule reminders and for general account notifications. The number of SMS messages you may receive throughout the day depends on how many medication schedules you have. You will only receive SMS messages when a medication regimen is more than two hours past-due. You may opt-out of SMS messaging within the app (here) or by replying "STOP" to any message received from <company>. We will never, for any reason, share your number with any other parties. If you have any questions about the use of SMS in our correspondence with you, you can email <email>. Message and data rates may apply"

Why are we being rejected?

asked 13 days ago81 views
1 Answer


Please note that the primary purpose of the opt-in workflow is to demonstrate that the end user explicitly consents to receive text messages and understands the nature of the program. Your application is being reviewed by a third-party reviewer, so make sure to provide clear and thorough information about how your end-users opt-in to your SMS service and any associated fees or charges. If the reviewer cannot determine how your opt-in process works, then your application will be denied and returned.

As mentioned here (, "Opt-in process not compliant or opt-in isn't explicit" could mean that the opt-in workflow you have provided is either insufficient, non-compliant, or not explicit enough for end-users to receive specific SMS messages. A compliant opt-in process will clearly specify how your recipient is able to provide their explicit consent to receive SMS messages.

Some other common rejection reasons:

  1. Lack of explicit language around SMS opt-in consent: The consent process must clearly and explicitly state that the user is opting in to receive SMS communications.
  2. Mismatch between provided company name and message samples: The company name and branding used in the consent process and any sample messages must be consistent.
  3. Requiring receipt of a text message as a condition to sign up for the service: Users cannot be required to receive a text message in order to sign up for or access the service.
  4. Including SMS opt-in consent within the Terms of Service: Opt-in consent for SMS communications should be a separate, explicit process, and cannot be buried within the general Terms of Service.

In addition, I would encourage you to review this documentation ( to ensure that your opt-in workflow adheres to the best practices.

If the registration still fails after following the mentioned best practices, you can reach out to the Limit Increase team, as they have ways to communicate with the regulators responsible for approving 10DLC registrations. They will be able to provide more insight and guidance on your registration and work with the downstream. You can reach out directly by following the steps here (

For additional guidance on what information you should input for the various 10DLC company and campaign fields, please review the following blog post: .

profile pictureAWS
answered 12 days ago

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