How to use DynamoDB Free-tier provisioned RCUs and WCUs


Hello, I'm a newbie to AWS so please bear with me.

I created 13 DynamoDB tables with Standard -IA class and provisioned each with 5RCUs and 5WCUs which resulted in burning out ~$9 worth RCUs and WCUs as table with Standard -IA class is not a part of free-tier and is chargeable from the moment you create it .

On this page they have mentioned the free tier services offered by AWS which are as follows

DynamoDB free tier

The AWS Free Tier enables you to gain free, hands-on experience with AWS services. The following DynamoDB benefits are included as part of the AWS Free Tier. Each benefit is calculated monthly on a per-Region, per-payer account basis.

  • 25 WCUs and 25 RCUs of provisioned capacity for tables using the DynamoDB Standard table class
  • 25 GB of data storage for tables using the DynamoDB Standard table class
  • 25 rWCUs for global tables using the DynamoDB Standard table class deployed in two AWS Regions
  • 2.5 million stream read requests from DynamoDB Streams
  • 1 GB of data transfer out (15 GB for your first 12 months), aggregated across AWS services

So my question is as AWS offers 25x24x30 Hrs worth of RCU and WCU for free per month for their STANDARD CLASS tables. If I'm understanding correctly ,if I create a single STANDARD CLASS table with provisioned 23 RCU and 23 WCU I will never be charged for the same as I would never exceed the free quota provided by AWS ?

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi Akshay

There are 3 types of free tiers in AWS: Free Trials, 12 months free and Always free

The Free tier mentioned in the DynamoDB doc is under the Always Free category.

So, as long as you are staying within the specified free tier limits for Standard tables every month, you will not be charged.

profile pictureAWS
answered 24 days ago
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reviewed 24 days ago
  • Thank you Almas-AWS for your clarification .



AWS offers 25x24x30 Hrs worth of RCU and WCU for free per month for their STANDARD class tables.

DynamoDB's free tier offers a total of 25GB of storage and 25 RCUs and WCUs across your account.
In your case, you have created 13 tables and allocated 5 RCU and 5 WCU per table, which exceeds the limit.
If you allocate 5RCU and 5WCU to tables, I think that the free tier is limited to 5 tables.*all&awsf.Free%20Tier%20Categories=*all&all-free-tier.q=dynamodb&all-free-tier.q_operator=AND

Does DynamoDB offer a free tier?
Yes, the free tier for DynamoDB provides 25GB of storage, along with 25 provisioned Write and 25 provisioned Read Capacity Units (WCU, RCU) which is enough to handle 200M requests per month.

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answered 25 days ago
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reviewed 24 days ago
  • Hello Riku Kobayashi, thanks for your answer. But I think my question was confusing a lot so I have updated the question. Could you please take a look and answer it.

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