Xiaomi 13 issue as logs and device are not working as expected



I have been testing on Xiaomi 13 (android Instrumentation tests) and realised that no logcat logs are produced for such device (others devices I have tried do behave as expected), the only thing outputed by logs is as follows:

--------- beginning of main
--------- beginning of system
/tmp/scratchvtvwx5ur.scratch/platform-tools/adb.orig: line 7:  8530 Terminated              LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$SDK_BUILD_TOOLS_ROOT/prebuilts" $SDK_BUILD_TOOLS_ROOT/adb_binary "$@"

It does not appear to be device specific as phones with different serials have returned the same result.

Also, I have had problems running Instrument tests on this set of devices on devciefarm. Could you please investigate what is going on with logs, and if anything is up with these set of devices ?


asked 4 months ago130 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

It works now, thanks to whatever / whoever fixed this!

answered 4 months ago

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