Tracing an error with an auto scaler group


My learning of AWS has been very haphazard so far. So forgive me for what is probably a dumb question.

I have written a CF Template that creates an AutoScaler group. All works fine until the AutoScaler tries to create the initial instance to satisfy the Min/Max/Desired capacity. Every time it creates an instance the instance is terminated. When I look at the instance that was terminated all that I can see is that there are no Security Groups. But yet I do see security groups in the AS group.

So the question I have is is there any good way for me to debug this so that I can figure out what is failing?

asked 2 years ago219 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


A lack of security groups won't terminate an instance itself so most likely not the issue. Have you looked at CloudWatch Logs and possibly CloudTrail to determine if there are any hints in the logs?

Doc link:

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

I totally forgot about cloudwatch logs.... I will look there.


answered 2 years ago

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